This is also known as “Sweeping a Paper Wallet.” A summarized outline of how to transfer funds off a paper wallet is below. For detailed step-by-step instructions with images, see this page.
Download and open the BudgetCoinz app on your iPhone (Download Here) or Android (Download Here). Click Menu. Select Addresses. Click the + button near the imported addresses (if you are prompted with a permission request, select OK). Scan the private key with your camera (DO NOT SCAN THE PUBLIC KEY, IT WILL NOT WORK). Hold your hand over the public key to prevent yourself from accidentally scanning it instead of the private key. Once you’ve scanned, you should be presented with a success message. Click OK.
Now that you’ve imported it, we need to transfer the funds to the wallet. Click Transfer Funds. Confirm the details by clicking send at the bottom. This will finalize the transfer from the imported paper wallet to your blockchain wallet. Transaction sending… Go to your dashboard by clicking the home button at the bottom. Your funds should now appear on the dashboard.